Finding a life partner isn’t something easy. Yes, you can get on the largest online wedding website, browse through the profiles and pick a few names who are a good match for you. But still, this doesn’t assure that you’ll end up getting married. You’ve had a bad experience like this in 2018. And if you’re still repeating the same mistakes, chances are you’re going to remain unmarried even in 2019. In fact, here are 3 reasons why that’s bound to happen—and how you can avoid it to finally (and happily) start a couple-life this new year:
1.You’re not investing in yourself
Yes, it’s very superficial to be into someone’s look. However, achingly, the fact is, we do live in the superficial world. Just like you want a perfect, smart and most stunning life partner, the other person wants the same. So, are you “perfect” “smart” and “stunning”? Understand that good attracts good. If you’re not good, you won’t attract good. It’s important to be good; it’s important that you’re investing in your look and brain on a very consistent basis to be better.
Because the punch line is: you have to qualify yourself to be a perfect partner to find a perfect partner. If you’re average, you will find the average.
2.You’re too demanding
If you believe you’re entitled to the “best” life partner, you’re not! You can’t be extremely demanding in small things if you want something. You can’t over-prioritize the caste, height, skin color, family size, career goals and more of your possible life partner. You cannot look at these details microscopically to fit your exact demands and preferences. There are a few fronts where you have to loosen up and compromise. If you’re inflexible, you’re likely letting go of tens and hundreds of opportunities to get to know a person who could be your “perfect” other half.
Get on a free online matrimony site and be flexible when you’re searching for and browsing through the profiles. Don’t critically analyze everyone. There’s a good chance you might stumble across someone very great.
There are two reasons why you will not get married even in 2019. Get rid of them and this New Year might just be the one when you finally begin your ‘happily ever after’.