The society has created a threshold range. If your age falls somewhere in that, you must essentially get married. Does that not sound too absurd? Like there’s a perception that once past 23 years of age, a girl must get married. For guys, the range is between 25 and 30 years old. Are you sure you’re not planning to tie knots out of that same societal obligation?
Wait and think, if yes. Here are 3 reasons why you should NOT rush into marriage irrespective of how old are you:
(i) You’re not ready for it
Marriage is a BIG commitment. And it requires maturity and a basic sense of understanding. You’re going from one to two. You’re promising to live with a person your whole life. You’re going to be with this person for the rest of your life. Are you really ready for this big step? Do you have a proper sense of understanding about what marriage is?
Many people aren’t ready for marriages-and they still marry, eventually ending up in a big pile of problems. Don’t be one of them. Don’t marry because you have reached a certain age. Marry when you’re matured for it.
(ii) You’re still figuring out life
There’s a lot to life than just getting married and planning a family. You have your career. You have your dreams. You have your hobbies. How are you planning to incorporate all these things into your married life?
You’re still trying to figure out what you’re going to do with your life. You still aren’t sure about what will happen in the next couple of years. You’re still battling to form your beliefs, ideas, and opinions. In the midst of all these, do you think taking responsibility of another person on you is a good idea? Likely not.
(iii) You haven’t found the “right one”
This is the person who you’ll be with 24/7 for as long as you live. So, it’s important that this person fits your needs, preference, and ideas. You need a life partner who you like—and NOT who your parents like. So, if you haven’t found someone like this, you shouldn’t rush into marriage. Take your time. Create a profile on the best matrimony website. If you’re religious, opt for dedicated Mangalik matrimony website. Keep looking for the “right” partner. And don’t settle until you have found her/him.
These are 3 important reasons why you shouldn’t rush into a marriage. Don’t obsess what’s your age-it’s just a number. Factor other important things. Take your time.