Marriage is something you think about day and night and feel butterflies in your stomach if you are about to get married soon. This is a transitional phase in one’s life, you feel excited and nervous at the same time. At times, you doubt your own decision of marrying your ‘Mr. Charming’. But, this is very common thought and everyone has more or less similar kind of feelings when it comes to marriage. Therefore, it becomes more important to choose the right kind of man and say yes to someone who is just perfect for you and most compatible. Always ensure that you find someone who is willing to give his 100% to this relationship and equally devoted. Here are five things that you should look for in your man before taking the wedding vows.
Keen to know more about your interests: He is the one, who is always keen to know more about your interest. He likes to get involved in different activities with you. He always tries hard to adapt to your habits and trying his level best to make a pace with you. Whenever you meet him, he always shows his interest in knowing more about your liking, interest, friends, hobbies and other things related to you. He likes to listen to your thoughts and always respects your opinion.
Willing to make changes: He is not rigid with his thoughts and expectations, and is always willing to make changes if required. He is not a kind of guy who always cribs that because of you he has not been able to go out to watch a match with his guy’s gang or something similar. Besides, he makes you feel important and always shows that meeting you is important than anything else. He always shows his interest in making changes in his routine if situation comes, he never says no to try something new or experimenting with something because he doesn’t want to miss even a single opportunity to spend time with you.
Always shows his commitment: He always shows his commitment in his actions and words. He always introduces you to his friends proudly and never hesitates in accepting this relationship publicly. This clearly reflects in his gestures and expressions that he is happy with this relationship. He never wants to hide you and this relationship from anyone. He always accompanies you at social gatherings and family functions. Whenever he is out with you, he is more focused on you and his eyes never move here and there.
Concerned about you: He is always concerned about you, your safety, health and other things. He never misses a single opportunity to show his genuine concern. Whenever you are late from office he offers to drop you or make calls to ensure that you reach home safely. He always keeps you first and thinks about your requirements first compared to his requirements. He doesn’t mind to make adjustments in his routines to make you feel comfortable. Making changes and alterations never annoys him, he is always open for such changes.
Emotionally connected with you: He is emotionally connected with you and shares a good level of emotional bonding. He never hesitates to express his thoughts openly and shows his concern. He always tries to understand your point and find solutions to your problems. He never feels irritated listening to your thoughts. You can trust him anytime.
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Article Source – Matrimony blog